Shame (Weekly Recovery Reflection)
The feeling of being not good enough.
Article voiceover
Weekly Reflection in Audio
"Your problem is you are too busy holding on to your unworthiness."
- Ram Dass
My Thoughts
Recovery for me has been a process of letting go of everything, including all the old ideas about who I thought I was, all the negative ideas, and all the grandiose dreams I knew I would never achieve because I wasn't good enough. Thanks to other men in recovery guiding me, I began to understand that I was good enough. Just as I was in the moment. I was good enough to do whatever it was I needed to do that day. And day by day, I learned I could show up and be good enough to handle the tasks and challenges in front of me.
Action for the Week
Today, I know I'm good enough, and I let go of those old ideas that kept me in shame.